橋本 祐紀典 【全国通訳案内士】 YUKINORI HASHIMOTO


東京で生まれ育ち、ガイドとして全国各地をガイドする中で、富山の魅力にひかれて、2021年6月より富山市に移住しました。 県外の人間の眼から見た“富山の魅力”をより広く国内、訪日観光客に伝えていきたいと思っています。



I was born and grown up in Tokyo and started my carrier as a Guide-Interpreter in 2017 there. But now I live in Toyama Pref. I decided to move to Toyama City from Tokyo in June 2021, because I was attracted by the charm of  TOYAMA, since I found TOYAMA is one of the best places to visit, through my guiding travel around Japan. I would like to convey the "charm of TOYAMA" to tourists visiting Japan more widely, with the perspective of people from outside of TOYAMA, which might be same feeling as foreign visitors.

Not only the ordinary city guiding at Tourism Spots, but also, I am specialized in guiding outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling or skiing, etc.
Especially for skiing, I am experienced in teaching Ski as a qualified Ski Instructor, such as for ski school excursion students, private guests, and for foreign visitors.

I have enough guiding experience for large groups such as incentive tours, for guests of VIP support required, and for small group of individual guests (so called “FIT”) as well, so I think I can satisfy various needs of various tours wherever in Tokyo, Toyama, and any other tourism spots all over Japan.

高岡・氷見・射水 砺波・五箇山 富山市周辺 立山 黒部・宇奈月


住所 〒930-0010 富山県
電話番号(備考) 090-7287-6556
料金 25,000円~30,000円/日

実施期間 基本的にご要望に応じます。
受け入れ可能人数 1~30人程度まで
◆年齢等の制限( 無 )
予約 yuki_hashimoto_2001★yahoo.co.jp
備考 ■案内地域/得意な分野:
スキーインストラクター資格(SIA Stage II)保有
東京シティガイド検定 合格
国内旅行業務取扱管理者 保有
国内旅程管理主任者 保有

